I am Human and Divine like you are.
I awakened to my True Self taking the time to observe myself during two retreats, one focused on Yoga Practice in Hridaya, Oaxaca, México and one on Emotional Awareness in The Sanctuary, Oaxaca, México.
I think we all have felt lost, wondering what change to make because we didn't feel complete. We felt something was missing and it made no sense keeping living that way.
If you are experiencing it now, live this phase like a blessing because it is your Soul who is trying to tell you something so you can get closer to your Truth. It is an opportunity to embody who you truly are, connecting to the Eternal Divine Light.
I was born in France and have been living for 6 years in Mexico before traveling to South America where I got the International Yoga Teacher Certification. Big shifts happened in my life during the last year in Mexico, as I have been healing, releasing emotions and learning to be more conscious about how I feel in each moment. This transformation happened with the support of beautiful souls and today I want to share what I have learned for more people to make changes in their life so they can feel more happiness and peace.